3 Ways To Drive Organic Search Traffic

Be Found Business Marketing

Published Aug 27, 2021, 10:58 AM
Approx. read time 4 mins

Organic search traffic is any traffic that comes to your site from a search engine, such as Google, that is not from any Ads.

The benefit of having organic search traffic is that it's free. However, you need to make sure your website is high ranking so your web page appears towards the top of the organic results.

But how can you do this? The best way is to make sure your website has been optimised for search engines. The following 3 tips are a good way to get started with your search engine optimisation (SEO).

1. Publish one blog post per month

Draft blog post being written

If you feel as though you're strapped for time and can't commit to publishing one blog post, or more, every week, then don't worry. Start off small, just try for one new piece every month. If you're not sure where to start, try the following ideas:

  • Write about how you started your career
  • Write about the most creative way someone has used your product
  • Create an "Ultimate Guide" about something in your industry
  • Do a Q&A session with your team
  • Use FAQ's as blog post ideas
  • Carry out a myth-busting session for common misconceptions in your industry
  • Are there any charities you are partnered with? Why did you choose them?

These can be a good place to start if you're strapped for ideas. These ideas may not work for everyone, so find your niche and run with it.

Not every team will have enough money to invest a lot of time for this, but having a strong foundation will allow you to grow over time.

2. Build your backlinks

URL with go button next to it

Backlinks are links from an external website to your own. Search engines consider backlinks to be like votes for a specific page.

Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have higher organic search engine rankings. Think of it like your website being trusted enough by 50 people that they are willing to send their website visitors over to you. If a different website only has 5 backlinks, they aren't as trusted by others.

So, how can I build my backlinks?

  1. Respond to relevant questions on forum sites. Give your advice and insights away for free and add a link to your own content that you've been publishing if it's relevant.
  2. Turn your articles into videos and post them on YouTube, put a link in the video description.
  3. Post regularly on social media. This builds a community around you and more people trust you and will share your links and your content.

These won't immediately have an effect, but over time they will build up and put you in a better standing than if you hadn't done anything.

3. Hire SEO help

The letters spelling out SEO and what each word stands for

You might not be able to hire someone into your team full time, but you may be able to hire someone on an hourly basis. But what would they do for you?

  1. Keyword research - Having the right keywords in your content can help you build your ranking. If you're not using the right keywords, you can be hindering your results. Having an expert on board can help you find the right keywords for your content and use them in the right places.
  2. Backlink profile building - SEO experts often have access to tools and existing relationships that can help you to monitor and build your backlinks.
  3. Website audit - Your website needs to be monitored for speed and usability. If anything doesn't look right with it, your expert can pick up on this and can suggest recommendations for how to improve upon it.

Summing up

Organic search traffic is an important part of how a website is found online. If you're not sure what you should be doing to help your rankings, these three tips are a good place to start, even if you're low on funds.

If you're not sure if you have the time or knowledge to do this, feel free to get in touch and we can help your business Be Found.

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