How To Effectively Mix Print and Digital Marketing

Be Seen Business Marketing

Published Jul 7, 2022, 10:34 AM
Approx. read time 4 mins

First, let's take a look at why you should still be using printed marketing in the digital age.

Why should you use print marketing?

Pantone colour swatches There are four main reasons businesses are still opting to use print marketing.

1. It promotes trust in your brand While social media might have a larger number of adverts and a larger captive audience, print marketing is still more trusted. By leveraging both forms of advertising, you can appeal to, and build trust with, a larger audience.

2. You can use it to build traffic to your digital channels You can guide your audience towards your digital platforms by having your social media handles, web address and email address on your printed materials.

3. Target the right people at the right time Not all of your audience will like only seeing the digital side of your business. For example, if you're pitching to a supplier or large customer, they usually prefer having a hands-on experience with your brand. Leaving them with a flyer or a business card will go a long way to leaving a lasting impression.

4. Blinded by digital advertising When was the last time you paid attention to a sponsored ad or a pop-up on a website? Most users scroll past these with not so much as a second thought about them other than, "It's in my way; how do I close it?". By using print marketing, you can target those who have been blinded by the number of ads out there.

How can I mix print and digital marketing?

Now we've covered why you should still be using print marketing in the digital age, let's look at how you can combine your efforts.

QR Codes

QR code for Roesblade Media

You've produced an amazing flyer or other printed material, and you already have an amazing landing page on your website, but how do you link the two together?

The simple answer is to have a QR code on your printed materials that takes you to your landing page.

You can also have a unique tracking code that measures how many people have visited your site by using the QR code, which can help you understand whether your printed marketing is working the way you expected it to.

Advertise your social media handles

This can be as simple as having your Facebook username on your flyers and business cards. Use your printed materials to highlight how your audience can find you online.

If you're trying to capture a new social media following through the use of your printed materials, you can also give a sneak peek into some of the content you post. For example, if you typically post tips about your industry, you can have a section on your flyers titled "Want to know more industry-leading tips? Follow me on Facebook!".

Use print to drive your conversions

Whether you have a QR code that links to a specific landing page, or a shortened URL that does the same, don't forget; you can link these directly to your conversion actions.

If your flyer promotes a specific product, link to an ordering page for it. Or, if you want people to sign up to a mailing list, take them directly to the sign up form. The possibilities are endless.

Don't forget to make it viral

When you're carrying out large-scale print, such as a billboard, you want people to notice it and pay attention. If you design it with the idea of it becoming viral, not only will people pay attention, but they will also be likely to share it.

If your printed material is being shared by others online, and they're tagging you as a brand, then suddenly you're appearing in front of people you might not have targeted in any other way.

Summing Up

In the digital age, you might think that print is dead. But it is possible to effectively use both mediums together in a cohesive campaign. Whether it's through something as simple as having a QR code on your flyers or more complex through trying to come up with a viral idea.

If you need our help Being Seen, Being Found or Being Heard through all aspects of your marketing, reach out today and let's see how we can work together.