How Does Digital Marketing Add Value To Your Business?

Be Found Be Heard Be Seen Business Marketing

Published Sep 3, 2021, 1:01 PM
Approx. read time 3 mins

Digital marketing can be a powerful asset for any business, whether you're just starting out or you're already established. However, do you know whether your knowledge is up to date, and are you using the technology to your full advantage?

How exactly does digital marketing add value to a business?

Over time, digital marketing will have a positive financial impact on your business by growing revenues.

If you have an easy way to interact with your customers, you can answer questions quickly and share news and promotions with them. This will keep them engaged and interested in your business. If your customer sees you in a positive light, they are more likely to spread the word about you.

What can I do to digitally market my business?

There are a few things you can do to market your business and the options you choose are likely to be unique to your business. After all, no two businesses are the same, so why should their marketing be?

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) - This is a term that encompasses both Pay Per Click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). This is how you get your website found on search engines such as Google, this can be achieved through either paid or unpaid methods (or a mixture of both). For more information on combining the two, please check out our previous post How To Combine Content Marketing With PPC.
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) - Search engine optimisation is the process that allows your website to be ranked on search engines such as Google. The better your SEO, the higher your website will show in the results. Our top tips for SEO can be found in our 7 point checklist to stay on top of SEO.
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) - This is how you advertise on search engines, usually Google or Bing. You pay to be able to show your Ads in the search engine results, usually at the top and bottom of the page. Depending on how optimised your Ads are and the budget you have for the campaign, you could see an increase in visitors to your site. If this is something you are interested in, check out our Beginners Guide to PPC.
  • Social Media Marketing - It could be argued that social media is one of the biggest marketing platforms there is. You can reach millions of individuals and businesses every day, but if you're not sure where to start a good place could be to Improve Your Social Media Profiles in Less Than an Hour.
  • Content Marketing - Content writing isn't considered as direct marketing, but it is a way that you can produce engaging content that keeps viewers interested in your business. If you're not sure what is classed as content marketing, or if you want to explore new options, check out What Is Content Marketing?
  • Email Marketing - Email marketing is a more direct approach, you can update your existing customers with new offers and encourage them to come back to you. If email is something you already do, but you're not seeing good results from it the you might need to Increase Open Rates With a Strong Campaign.

You don't have to implement all of these methods, but even just having a few of them will add value to your business.

If any of these sounds as though they are of interest to you or your business, feel free to reach out to us, pop in for a cuppa and have a chat about your needs.

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